
Legal & Marketing

รหัสบริษัทลูกค้า: 26808


- Manage works by communicating with internal legal officer in HQ, outside accountants, lawyers and other appropriate persons
- Provide clarification on legal language or specifications to everyone in the organization
- Continuously research legal resources such as articles, codes, statues. Judicial decisions and more to stay up to date on all current Thai laws and codes
- Identify potential legal risks and issues and provide proactive legal advices to the company's management
- Together with an external and internal legal counsel, draft and review legal documents, contracts, agreements, stock certificate and others, create legal investment structure of the projects, conduct legal due diligence on projects, manage legal affairs within the organization, initiate and pursue legal proceedings and actions
- Create efficient and effective methods to track data, gather and record legal information
- Analyze legal information for errors and omissions
- Answer questions from co-workers, clients, customers, or stakeholders regarding legal information or any issues
- Manages daily/weekly/monthly agenda and arrange new meetings and appointments with any person
- Makes outgoing customer calls or cold calls in order to schedules appointments and meetings as necessary
- Demonstrates superior time management skills and meets project deadlines

ประเภทธุรกิจ 【NonMFG】Other Finance|その他金融
【NonMFG】Customer Finance|消費者金融・クレジット・信販
【NonMFG】Securities Company|証券・投資銀行
สายงานที่เกี่ยวข้อง General Affairs-Legal/Compliance Officer|リ-ガルオフィサー
เงินเดือน 30,000THB~50,000THB
สถานที่ทํางาน Bangkok|バンコク
สถานีรถไฟฟ้าใกล้เคียง MRT Silom
นิคมอุตสาหกรรม -
เพศ Any/どちらでも
อายุ 24~29
ภาษา English: 母語話者とのやり取りが問題なく可能|Excellent
Thai: 母語|Native